How to reseed your lawn

Macro Shot of Grass Field

Every Lawn has a lifespan and when test lifespan is exceeded it leads to a sorry looking mess of a garden. However there is a solution, reseeding your lawn regularly will give your garden the burst of life it needs to look fresh all year round.

In this article I will be taking you through the process of reseeding your lawn so by the end of this you know how to reseed your lawn and avoid common mistakes.

Understanding when to reseed your lawn

The first part of reseeding your lawn is to understand the right time to do it. From my experience the best time to reseed your lawn is Spring because that is when your grass can grow fastest after a dormant period.

Realistically if you wanted to you can reseed your lawn anytime in summer or spring.

How to Reseed your lawn in easy steps

Considering the fact that you are reading this it probably means that you want to reseed it now so I am going to grant you your wish and tell you exactly how to reseed your lawn.

Picking the right grass

If you are reseeding your lawn it is very important that you use the right type of grass. I am not going to go into grass details now because it really depends on where you live but do your research before you start the preparation.

Preparing your Lawn

Before you actually spread the seed you will need to do a few things to allow your grass to actually grow once it is seeded.

  • Cut the old grass as short as possible to allow the seed to break through
  • Clear leaves and debris off your lawn
  • Fertilise your lawn regularly

Doing these things will give your seeds the best chance of giving you the new lawn that you have always dreamt of.

Seeding your Lawn

When you are actually seeing your lawn there is no need for any fancy equipment all you will need is your hands and the seed.

I recommend that you walk up and down your garden in rows and when you are walking through the seed in front of you. It is really that easy and there is nothing else two it except this one tip.

Make sure you overlap the rows so there are no bare patches.

Common Mistakes to avoid

Not choosing the right seed

Choosing a grass that is not able to grow very well in your climate is just a stupid way to fail at such a simple task. This is why I always recomend that you do your research and plan what you are going to do before doing it.

Not cutting your old grass before planting the seed

If you don’t cut the old grass before planting the new seed it just won’t be able to grow and the seeds will instead be eaten by birds. It might not seem like an important step but it really is.

Not Fertilizing after you have seeded

If you just drop the seeds and then walk off, surprisingly your seed will not grow. New grass is a very nutrient thirsty thing so it is important that you give it what it needs ans fertilise it regularly.

Frequently asked questions

How long will the grass seed take to grow

It will typically germinate within 3 weeks and then you should see some serious changes after about a month. However this does depend on the type of seed you use as well as how hot your garden is.

Can I reseed over dead grass?

Yes you can but it does depend if the ground is suitable. I say this because if the old grass is dead there is probably a reason for it so have a good think and if there are no issues with the ground then yes go ahead.

How often should I water after reseeding?

After reseeding you should water it every 2-3 days but if there is rain and the ground is wet then that counts as watering it. Failing to water it will lead to the seeds not germinating and birds just eating the seed.


To conclude I think reseeding your lawn is something that everyone should do once in a while as it does just give your lawn a fresh breath of life. It is really easy and shouldn’t take up too much of your time.

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