How To Get Rid of mushrooms in lawn

A Growing Fly Agaric Mushroom in the Wild

Lets Be real, there is nothing worse than spending time and money looking after your lawn for it to then get infested with mushrooms. I know from my own experience that the mushrooms itself do not harm the grass they are not ascetic in any way and they can be poisenes.

That is why in this article I will be taking you through exactly how to get rid of mushrooms in lawn and how to stop them coming back.

Why Do mushrooms appear in the first Place

Understanding why the mushrooms are there in the first place is key to understanding how to get rid of them and then prevent them in the future.

Mushrooms are fungi which are spread via the spores they produce and there isn’t much we can do to stop these spores but when the spores reach your garden there are a few reasons the mushrooms will take hold.

  • Moist Nutrient Rich Soil
  • Dead Decaying Matter on the ground
  • Overly Damp Shaded areas

I know that having nutrient rich soil isn’t necessarily a bad thing and I don’t recommend you try to stop the other two things on the list are something you should try to avoid which brings me onto our next point.

How to Prevent the Mushrooms from appearing

Having mushrooms on your lawn is not something that is inevitable, there are countless easy that you as a garden owner can stop them from ever appearing. Here is how…

  • Ensure your lawn has proper drainage
  • Keep the dead Leaves off your lawn
  • Remove shade

These are three of the easiest ways to keep those mushrooms well away from your precious lawn.

How to get rid of mushrooms in lawn

Once the mushrooms are there the prevention methods I outlines above will not help you with your immediate issue which is probably why you have scrolled down to this bit. Here is what you need to do to get rid of the mushrooms on your lawn.

  • Go around your lawn and pick them by hand
  • Pour vinegar in the place where the mushrooms were
  • Use the prevention methods outlines above to prevent regrowth

This should be quick a quick process as long as your garden isn’t massive but wither way it will work while causing minimal damage to surrounding grass.


In conclusion removing the mushrooms from your lawn and ensuring they don’t come back is a simple and quick process. All the steps I have outlines above have been tested in my own garden and I can say from experience that they definitely work very well.

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